Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Gormsey Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 51, you are viewing 40 - 49


address Greenwalls Farm House Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG
description Single storey side extension with glazed link, internal refurbishment and alterations to the main Farmhouse. External works to include removal of front boiler room, new side door, existing front window opening widened, existing door removed and opening widened for french doors to the front elevation, existing rear door and window to be replaced with a window, block up existing rear door, new rear window, conservation rooflight to rear roof. Part demolition and refurbishment of outbuildings, removal of farmhouse south boundary low wall and associated landscaping works.
area Chester
start date 08/05/2023
decision Approval - 09/10/2023


address Land At Decoy Farm Lache Lane Marlston Cum Lache Chester
description Non material amendment to application 20/00058/S73 (Variation of conditions 1 (reserved matters) and 12 (landscape) of planning permission 15/01429/OUT - Addition of a new electric sub-station.
area Chester
start date 05/04/2023
decision None


address Dodleston Manor Farm Dodleston Lane Pulford Chester CH4 9DS
description Change of use of outbuilding from agricultural use to general industrial/storage space (use classes B2 and B8)
area Chester
start date 04/04/2023
decision Approval - 13/08/2024


address 9 Egerton Walk Dodleston Chester CH4 9NS
description Single storey rear extension
area Chester
start date 24/03/2023
decision Approval - 14/06/2023


address Land Off Wrexham Road Chester
description Erection of non-illuminated v-stack boards and 5 sales flags
area Chester
start date 20/03/2023
decision Approval - 12/12/2023


address Chestnut House Pulford Lane Dodleston Chester CH4 9NN
description Horse Chestnut (T1) - 1.5m crown reduction and a crown lift to 3m.
area Chester
start date 21/02/2023
decision Approval - 10/03/2023


address Balderton House Welsh Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LF
description Alterations to roof pitch above kitchen & sitting area with the addition of rooflights
area Chester
start date 03/02/2023
decision Approval - 20/09/2023


address Balderton House Welsh Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LF
description Alterations to roof pitch above kitchen & sitting area with the addition of rooflights
area Chester
start date 03/02/2023
decision Approval - 20/09/2023


address 7 Belgrave Close Dodleston Chester Cheshire CH4 9NU
description Knocking through a wall between the old kitchen and dining room to make one large kitchen/diner
area Chester
start date 26/01/2023
decision None


address Two Mile House Welsh Road Marlston Cum Lache Chester Cheshire CH4 9LB
description Change of use and refurbishment of out buildings to farm shop
area Chester
start date 26/01/2023
decision None