Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Gormsey Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 51, you are viewing 30 - 39


address 15 Fresco Drive Chester CH4 7GR
description Single storey rear extension
area Chester
start date 22/08/2023
decision Approval - 17/10/2023


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Non-material amendment to Condition 21 (Foul water connection) of planning permission 17/02453/OUT (development of 483 dwellings, local centre and primary school) (Amendment to change the manhole reference number (SJ38639901) indicated within condition 21 to manhole reference (SJ38638901)
area Chester
start date 16/08/2023
decision Approval - 07/09/2023


address The Hawthorns Welsh Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LN
description Alterations to existing garage to convert to home office / workshop to include change and change to doors and windows and external cladding from horizontal timber boarding to facing brick
area Chester
start date 14/08/2023
decision None


address Wellbank Cottage 2 The Square Kinnerton Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NE
description Replacement of existing double French doors and replacement of window. Both window and doors will be made to replicate the existing ones.
area Chester
start date 14/08/2023
decision Approval - 29/09/2023


address Kingsmoat Garden Village Development Senate Place Chester Cheshire
description Erection of new substation
area Chester
start date 10/08/2023
decision Approval - 21/12/2023


address 1 Emperor Avenue Chester CH4 7FB
description Single storey side extension
area Chester
start date 18/07/2023
decision Approval - 13/11/2023


address Rock House 4 Mallory Walk Dodleston Chester CH4 9NP
description Single storey rear extension to dwelling and garage
area Chester
start date 06/07/2023
decision Approval - 12/10/2023


address 31 St Marys Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NW
description Single storey rear extension
area Chester
start date 26/06/2023
decision Prior Approval not required - 26/07/2023


address Yew Tree Farm Common Lane Balderton Chester
description Erection of agricultural building for storage of materials and equipment
area Chester
start date 05/06/2023
decision Withdrawn - 21/08/2023


address Greenwalls Farm House Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG
description Single storey side extension with glazed link, internal refurbishment and alterations to the main Farmhouse. External works to include removal of front boiler room, new side door, existing front window opening widened, existing door removed and opening widened for french doors to the front elevation, existing rear door and window to be replaced with a window, block up existing rear door, new rear window, conservation rooflight to rear roof. Part demolition and refurbishment of outbuildings, removal of farmhouse south boundary low wall and associated landscaping works
area Chester
start date 08/05/2023
decision Approval - 09/10/2023