Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Gormsey Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 52, you are viewing 1 - 10


address Common Farm, Two Mile House, Wrexham Road Chester CH4 9LB
description Upgrade to existing radio base station at CTIL 12628324
area Chester
start date 06/02/2025
decision Notification Closed - 07/02/2025


address Chester Business Park, Wrexham Road, Chestr, CH4 9DE
description Upgrade to the existing radio base station installation Ref: CTIL12742622
area Chester
start date 28/01/2025
decision Notification Closed - 29/01/2025


address Moat Farm Wrexham Road Marlston Cum Lache Chester CH4 9DE
description Discharge of condition 3 (Contamination/Remediation Strategy) and condition 9 (Archaeology) of planning permission 22/03736/FUL
area Chester
start date 23/01/2025
decision Currently Unavailable


address Common Farm Welsh Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LF
description Change of Use from dwelling (C3) to Children's Care Home (C2) for up to 4 children (Retrospective)
area Chester
start date 20/01/2025
decision Currently Unavailable


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Application to discharge conditions 7 (sustainable drainage scheme) and 8 (foul drainage scheme) of planning permission 23/03377/FUL (Erection of 150 dwellings and provision of infrastructure including internal road layout, landscaping, childrens play area and associated works (Re-submission of 22/03064/FUL)
area Chester
start date 13/01/2025
decision Currently Unavailable


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Discharge of Conditions 3 (protected species), 4 (CEMP), 5 (dust control), 6 (surface water during construction), 11 (piling), 18 (lighting) and 24 (substation) under planning permission 23/03377/FUL (Erection of 150 dwellings and provision of infrastructure including internal road layout, landscaping, childrens play area and associated works (Re-submission of 22/03064/FUL)
area Chester
start date 13/01/2025
decision Currently Unavailable


address 1 Green Villas Kinnerton Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LR
description New drop kerb with new tarmac paving to the footpath
area Chester
start date 27/12/2024
decision Currently Unavailable


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Details of electricity substation (condition 30) of hybrid planning permission 22/01679/S73 relating to Part A - phased development of 483 dwellings and associated infrastructure. Substation located off Feronia Avenue (adjacent to 187 Lache Lane)
area Chester
start date 10/12/2024
decision Approval - 14/02/2025


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Details to discharge conditions relating to the primary school with associated playing fields under hybrid planning permission 22/01679/S73. Details for conditions 6 (construction environmental management plan), 7 (scheme to remove suspended solids), 8 (foul drainage), 9 (sustainable drainage), 11 (arboricultural impact assessment), 12 (dust), 16 (site waste management plan), 23 (piling), 50 (school - sustainable construction). 51 (school - odour), 52 (school - noise scheme), 53 (school - lighting), 54 (school - bat and bird nesting) and 57 (school - electrical vehicle charging)
area Chester
start date 05/11/2024
decision Currently Unavailable


address Greenwalls Farm House Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG
description Discharge of condition 3 (materials), discharge of condition 4 (outbuildings), condition 5 (external timber doors), condition 7 (new windows), condition 8 (joinery), condition 9 (roof lights) of planning application 23/01485/LBC
area Chester
start date 21/10/2024
decision Approval - 29/01/2025

Data last updated: 08/03/2025 14:02:00