Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Gormsey Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 51, you are viewing 10 - 19


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Discharge of condition 36 (Affordable Housing) of planning permission 17/05200/FUL (Partial discharge for Taylor Wimpey Phases)
area Chester
start date 24/07/2024
decision None


address Church Cottage Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG
description T1 Goat Willow in rear garden - trim hard back to previous pruning points. T2 Monterey Cypress (in rear garden adjoining public footpath) - reduce height by 3-4 metres and reduce sides by 1.5-2 metres
area Chester
start date 23/07/2024
decision Notification Closed - 03/09/2024


address White Lodge Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG
description Loft conversion with dormers above single storey existing side extension
area Chester
start date 05/07/2024
decision Approval - 03/10/2024


address Wrexham Road Park and Ride Wrexham Road Marlston Cum Lache Chester
description Installation of 25.0m lattice tower on concrete base,8.0m x 8.0m equipment compound to contain tower and space for 4no. Operator equipment cabinets, 1.8m high mesh fence c/w single access gate,meter cabinet, 6no. antennas and 2no. dishes for Operator 1 on the top headframe, 6no. antennas and 2no. dishes for Operator 2 on the bottom headframe, screen planting outside the fence on west, north and east elevations, other ancillary development thereto.
area Chester
start date 01/07/2024
decision Prior Approval required and approved - 09/08/2024


address The Hawthorns Welsh Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LN
description Non material amendment to 23/02547/FUL (To amend the roof profile of the rear roof slope of the garage to a single pitch)
area Chester
start date 27/06/2024
decision Approval - 15/07/2024


address Yew Tree Bank Farm Kinnerton Road Lower Kinnerton Chester CH4 9AE
description Demolition of existing outbuilding pool house and erection of new outbuilding to house swimming pool and gymnasium
area Chester
start date 20/05/2024
decision Approval - 18/09/2024


address 15 Penfold Way Dodleston Chester CH4 9NL
description Demolition of existing sun room, erection of single storey extension to rear with roof lights and additional window openings to property.
area Chester
start date 15/05/2024
decision Approval - 19/07/2024


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Non Material Amendment to planning permission 17/05200/FUL relating to 786 dwellings and the provision of associated infrastructure(changes to the approved elevations to include solar panels on the roof of (Taylor Wimpey) plot numbers 389-410 and 500-515)
area Chester
start date 24/04/2024
decision Approval - 21/05/2024


address 41 Fresco Drive Chester CH4 7GR
description Install conservatory to the rear of the property.
area Chester
start date 17/04/2024
decision Approval - 17/07/2024


address Teachers Cottage The Old School House Kinnerton Road Lower Kinnerton Chester CH4 9AE
description Outbuilding/ Garage with link extension (Retrospective)
area Chester
start date 08/04/2024
decision Approval - 02/09/2024