Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Gormsey Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 51, you are viewing 20 - 29


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Discharge the obligations under Schedule 1, Part 7, point 6 (Ecological Mitigation) of Section 106 relating to planning permissions 17/05200/FUL,17/02453/OUT and 17/02444/FUL.
area Chester
start date 08/03/2024
decision None


address Gell Farm Kinnerton Road Lower Kinnerton Chester CH4 9AE
description Discharge of condition 4 (external windows and doors) and condition 5 (details of internal door) of applicatIon 22/01525/LBC
area Chester
start date 02/02/2024
decision Approval - 06/03/2024


address O/S The Holding Welsh Road Balderton Chester CH4 9LF, Near Woodside Welsh Road Balderton Chester CH4 9LF, Near Woodside Welsh Road Balderton Chester CH4 9LF
description Installation of telecommunication Pole/s - Ref: WFGRW70B
area Chester
start date 01/02/2024
decision Notification Closed - 02/02/2024


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Non-material amendment to planning permission 17/05200/FUL (786 dwellings and the provision of associated infrastructure including roads, footpaths, cycle ways, landscaping, playing fields, children's play areas and other open spaces) for amendments to landscaping and boundary treatment and substitution of house types to relocate 2.5 storey dwellings away from the western boundary of the site (adjacent Rowcliffe Avenue) (house substitutions on Plots 393/394 swapped with 408 and Plot 402 swapped with 513) (Taylor Wimpey)
area Chester
start date 19/12/2023
decision Approval - 12/01/2024


address Church Cottage Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG
description T1: Leylandii - reduce height by approximately half. T2: Corkscrew Willow - coppice at approximately 6 feet.T3: Hawthorn x 2 (weed trees) - cut to ground level. T4: Privet (weed tree) - cut to ground level. T5: Elaeagnus hedge - trim (approximately 6 inches) back off public footpath to be in line with existing mature beech hedge
area Chester
start date 27/11/2023
decision Notification Closed - 08/01/2024


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Erection of 150 dwellings and provision of infrastructure including internal road layout, landscaping, childrens play area and associated works (Re-submission of 22/03064/FUL)
area Chester
start date 25/10/2023
decision Approval - 20/12/2024


address Balderton House Welsh Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9LF
description Application to discharge condition 3 (materials) and 4 (rooflight detail) of planning consent 23/00340/LBC
area Chester
start date 18/10/2023
decision Approval - 29/02/2024


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Discharge conditions 29 (noise scheme for sports facilities) and 30 (lighting for sports pitches) under planning permission 17/05200/FUL relating to development of 786 dwellings and assocaited works includng sports playing fields
area Chester
start date 11/10/2023
decision None


address Penn House 64 Penfold Way Dodleston Chester CH4 9NL
description Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement with single storey rear extension. First floor extension over existing garage with dormer windows and rooflight. New front porch extension.
area Chester
start date 02/10/2023
decision None


address Land At Wrexham Road Chester
description Discharge of conditions 29 (noise scheme) and 30 (lighting for sports pitch) under planning permission 17/05200/FUL (relating to development of 786 dwellings and the provision of associated infrastructure including playing fields)
area Chester
start date 21/09/2023
decision None