Example Parish Council Minutes


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Parish Council Meeting Minutes

Date: April 18, 2024
Location: Village Hall


  • Mr. John Smith (Chairperson)
  • Mrs. Emily Johnson (Vice-Chairperson)
  • Mr. Peter Thompson
  • Mrs. Sarah Brown
  • Mr. David Wilson
  • Mrs. Emma Clark
  • Mr. Michael Davis


  • None
  1. Opening Remarks (Chairperson):
    Mr. John Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and welcomed all attendees.
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes:
    The minutes of the previous meeting held on March 15, 2024, were reviewed. Mrs. Sarah Brown proposed their approval, seconded by Mr. David Wilson. The motion was unanimously carried.
  3. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes:
    • The feasibility study for additional street lighting on Elm Street has been completed, and quotations are being sought.
    • The collaboration with local schools regarding littering awareness is underway, with educational materials being prepared.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:
    Mr. Peter Thompson presented the financial report for the period ending April 15, 2024. He noted a slight increase in funds due to successful fundraising efforts at the village fete. The report was accepted without objections.
  5. Planning Applications:
    Two new planning applications were discussed:
    • Application ref: 2024/005 - Proposed renovation of the Old Mill. The council unanimously approved the application after a brief discussion.
    • Application ref: 2024/006 - Development of a small housing estate on Greenfield Avenue. The council decided to defer the decision pending further community consultation.
  6. Community Updates:
    • Mrs. Emma Clark reported that the village fete held on May 5th was a great success, raising funds for local charities.
    • Mr. Michael Davis provided an update on the charity drive for the local food bank, noting that donations have exceeded expectations.
  7. Any Other Business:
    • Mrs. Emily Johnson suggested organizing a community clean-up day to further address littering issues. The council agreed to set a date and promote the event.
    • Mr. David Wilson raised concerns about speeding on Main Street. The council agreed to contact local authorities to discuss potential traffic calming measures.
  8. Date of Next Meeting:
    The next meeting was scheduled for May 16, 2024, at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall.
  9. Adjournment:
    There being no further business, the Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Minutes recorded by:
Mrs. Sarah Brown
Parish Clerk

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Created: 30/09/2024 / Last Modified: N/A